This sound meditation flows from our last Peace Nurturing Practice on Letting Go as it offers us an environment conducive to releasing old gunk, renewing our commitment to choosing peace, and rejoicing as we let go, relax into releasing, and surrender our hearts to tranquility.
Sound healing is a favorite of many of us and has been around for at least 2000 years. The instruments I have used for this meditation are in order of appearance:
- Rainstick
- 38” Wind gong played with a friction mallet
I listed the instruments in case it is of interest. The most important thing about these instruments is the soundscape they create as a background conducive for our work in releasing old thoughts, habits, and patterns that no longer serve us.
When you are ready, click on the link that follows and begin the meditation: Release, Renew, Rejoice. When you finish the meditation, simply click on the back button to return to this page. The meditation will eventually be available on the front page of the website also. You can always access it here as well. It is my deep desire that you find it of value in your commitment to release all that no longer serves you and assist your mind and heart in opening to embrace love and peace.
I release all that no longer serves…
unkind thoughts
unloving behaviors
I renew my commitment to
I rejoice in the
Reflections – Sound healing, be it the practice of toning OM or playing my didgeridoo, bowls, wand, or gong, has been, and is, a powerful partner in helping me return home to peace when I get caught up in busyness or thinking. What follows is a perfect example of the power of this Peace Nurturing Practice.
By the time I finished getting the recording of the meditation just the way I wanted it last night, I was tired and needed to stop and release the energy of trying, but I didn’t. I just kept trying and the more I tried, the less successful I was in putting the text, photos, and audio file link up on this page. Finally, I wrote to Laura Dean, my amazing website creator and guru for help; I released the trying and simply let go. This morning I decided to try it again. Not too surprisingly, once I released the trying, renewed my desire for and commitment to peace, I was able to rejoice in the peace I felt as I completed the task with grace and ease.
Recently a gentle man from Hungary cleaned my windows. His English was limited, and my Hungarian is non-existent, but we did fine communicating what truly mattered. As he pointed to my gong, I could feel his desire to hear it, so I asked if he would like for me to play. “Yes!” was his reply. When I finished, he indicated via hand gestures it was very powerful. Then he asked me to play again so he could record it for his friend. I played and when all sounds from the gong had dissipated, we were both different; we were relaxed and peaceful. The powerful sounds of Tara, my gong, helped us open our hearts and let go of all that was stirring in our minds.
It is my deep desire that this Sound meditation will assist you, as it has me, in releasing all that is not peace, renewing your commitment to peace, and rejoicing in the peace that you experience.
Your turn to reflect – What did or will you choose to release? Is there more to release? Most of us need many opportunities to completely let go of old patterns and behaviors so please repeat this meditation as often as it is useful for you. After you released what no longer serves you, how did you feel?
Thank you for being a vital part of Peace on Earth by nurturing peace in your heart, in your life. The more that you embody peace, the more peace there is.
Your comments and suggestions are welcomed. (Click on the blue link below.)

"When you begin to meditate on a regular basis, you will start to notice that thoughts and feelings that may have been building up inside of you are gently released and you reach the quiet place that was always there, waiting for you - the place of pure awareness.
It is there that you will experience peace, healing, and true rejuvenation."
Deepak Chopra
I chose this photo of a Meadow-beauty flower (Rhexia marianna) because it speaks to me of what we are once we release that which no longer serves us. All that remains is the beauty and simplicity of peace. (Photo was taken at the Arbuckle Tract of Lake Wales Ridge State Forest.)
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by sharing this post with
friends and family.
- Introduction to Peace Nurturing Practice
- Shifting to Peace
- Release, Renew, Rejoice
- Affirmation
- Silence
- Connection
- Meditation
- Reminders of Peace
- Kindness
- Openness
- Joy
- Giving and Receiving
- Speaking Peace
- Gentleness
- Respect
- Meditation on Love
- Mother Nature
- Integrity
- Gratitude
- Choosing Peace
- Welcome
- Acceptance
- Compassion
- Laughter
- Hope
- Meditation on Light
- Awareness
- Balance
- Celebration
- Openness
- Reflection
- Being Present
- Spaces
- Create conditions for Peace
- Humility
- Sustaining Peace
- Common Ground
- Letting go
- Planning for Peace
- Acceptance II
- Child’s Eyes