Light, Love, Peace


Dear Friend in Peace,
Open hearts and minds willing to focus on, allow, and embody Light, Love, and Peace. This is ours to be. It sounds rather daunting to say the least, but we are not alone! We share this blessed charge with one another and countless millions as we allow Light, Love, and Peace to flow into and from us in a perpetual dance of healing and raising of consciousness.

 Place your hands on your heart.
 Feel your heartbeat

 Slowly breathe peace into your body
 Breathe out, release all that is not peace

 Slowly breathe peace into your body
 Breathe out, release all that is not peace

 Feel, see, experience Light flowing into your body
 Feel, see, experience Light filling every cell in your body
 Feel, see, experience Love flowing into your body
 Feel, see, experience Love filling every cell in your body
 Feel, see, experience Peace flowing into your body
 Feel, see, experience Peace filling every cell in your body

 Sit in the Light, Love and Peace and savor this profound blessing for as long as you wish.
 When you are ready, send that Light, Love, and Peace to Mother Earth and to every being on Earth.
 Give thanks for being a channel of Light, Love, and Peace.

Thank you for keeping hope, compassion, and peace alive within you.
Yours in peace and love always,