Thich Nhat Hahn is a powerful and important mentor for us as we aspire to live lives of peace. When asked during the Vietnam War whether he was for North Vietnam or South Vietnam, he replied with words to this effect: “Neither. I am for Vietnam.” May his response guide us in living lives of serenity in a nation suffering, as Vietnam did, from polarized positions and invitations to fear and hate. May we also remember and live these words of Pema Chodron: “Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions.”
May we be clear in our hearts and minds that we are for peace which means thinking, speaking, and acting peacefully all the time, not just when things go our way. We are for respecting everyone, for caring for everyone, for compassion for everyone. As Gandhi said: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Rather than tell others how to behave, we speak volumes by our peaceful words, actions, and presence as we literally become the Peace we want to see.
Peace, like laughter, is contagious. All it takes is a giggle from one person to set off a room full of laughter. All it takes is a peaceful presence from one person, to shift the energy of a room from discord to peace.
As a nation and a world, we have many problems that need to be addressed. To do so, we must communicate our respect for one another. From a place of mutual respect, we can get on with the important business of healing our democracy and our beloved Mother Earth. Quite simply, it is ours to expect the same of ourselves that we expect of little children: to play nicely together, to share, and to use kind words.
Thank you for keeping hope, compassion, and peace alive within you.
Yours in peace and love always,
P.S. Today when Ernie and I were at Deer Prairie Creek South, we saw this lovely Hemp Vine with its precious heart-shaped leaves and I was drawn to share its loving splendor with you.