Anchored in Love

Anchored in Love...


Dear friend in Peace,

Looking through photos from our October trip to the Scrubs of Lake Wales Ridge, I always find myself drawn to this photo of a Scrub morning glory. Taking the photo meant lying on the white sandy ground beside this beautiful being. From that perspective the luminescent flowering vine's powerful presence and mine merged birthing an us of respect and peace. This blessing is all the more precious because the Scrub morning glory is found only in Central Florida, no where else in the world.

The Zebra Swallowtail butterfly needed to be included in any post that include some of the glories of Florida's scrub lands since it is from a Scrub in Sarasota County, FL.  The butterfly's posture is definitely one of being anchored to the Blackroot plant and looking at it anchors in me love.

The final member of this Scrub trio that fills my heart is a plant that makes me giggle every time I see it is Feay's Palafox. It's found only in Florida's central and southern peninsula. This one was at Tiger Creek Preserve.  The little white curls (styles) at the tips of the flowers never cease to bring me joy.  May they offer you love and peace.

May we remember we are one with all: every person, every tree, every bug, every being.

Yours in peace and love,


Zebra Swallowtail - Curry Creek East
Zebra Swallowtail
Feay's Palafox
Feay's Palafox